
6+ 若潮 釣り アジ Article

長潮・若潮では魚は釣りにくい?その理由や攻略方法・狙い方をご紹介 釣りラボマガジン
長潮・若潮では魚は釣りにくい?その理由や攻略方法・狙い方をご紹介 釣りラボマガジン from tsuri-labo.jp


Fishing is not just a hobby, but a way of life for many people in Japan. Among the many fishing techniques, Wakacho fishing has become increasingly popular in recent years. Wakacho fishing is a traditional fishing method that originated in Japan and is used to catch small fish like ajis. This article will introduce you to the world of Wakacho fishing and provide you with tips on how to catch ajis.

What is Wakacho Fishing?

Wakacho fishing is a traditional Japanese fishing method that involves using a long bamboo pole called a Wakacho to catch small fish like ajis. The Wakacho is typically between 4-6 meters long and is made from high-quality bamboo. The Wakacho is lightweight and flexible, allowing fishermen to cast their lines with precision and accuracy.

Why is Wakacho Fishing Popular?

Wakacho fishing has gained popularity in recent years due to its simplicity and the satisfaction that comes with catching fish using traditional methods. It is also a great way to connect with nature and escape the stresses of modern life. Wakacho fishing is also a sustainable fishing method that does not harm the environment or deplete fish populations.

What are Ajis?

Ajis are small, oily fish that are commonly found in the waters around Japan. Ajis are a popular food item in Japan and are often used in dishes like sushi, sashimi, and tempura. Ajis are also a popular bait for Wakacho fishing.

When is the Best Time to Catch Ajis?

Ajis are typically caught in the early morning or late afternoon. They are most active during the summer months and can be found in shallow waters near the shore. It is best to fish for ajis during low tide when they are closer to the surface.

How to Catch Ajis Using Wakacho Fishing

To catch ajis using Wakacho fishing, you will need a few basic tools. First, you will need a Wakacho fishing pole, a fishing line, a hook, and some bait (such as small pieces of squid or shrimp). Once you have your gear, follow these steps: 1. Find a suitable location: Look for shallow waters near the shore where ajis are known to gather. 2. Set up your equipment: Attach the hook to the fishing line and tie it to the end of the Wakacho pole. Then, attach a small piece of bait to the hook. 3. Cast your line: Hold the Wakacho pole firmly and cast your line into the water. Be patient and wait for the ajis to take the bait. 4. Reel in your catch: Once you feel a tug on your line, slowly reel in your catch. Be careful not to pull too hard, as ajis have delicate mouths. 5. Remove the hook: Once you have caught your ajis, gently remove the hook from their mouths and release them back into the water.

Tips for Wakacho Fishing

Here are some tips to help you become a successful Wakacho fisherman: - Practice makes perfect: Wakacho fishing requires practice and patience. Take the time to learn the technique and keep practicing until you become proficient. - Use the right bait: Ajis are attracted to small pieces of squid or shrimp, so use these as bait to increase your chances of catching them. - Be patient: Ajis can be fickle and may not take the bait right away. Be patient and wait for them to come to you. - Watch the tides: Ajis are more active during low tide, so plan your fishing trips accordingly. - Respect the environment: Wakacho fishing is a sustainable fishing method, so be sure to respect the environment and only take what you need.


Wakacho fishing is a traditional Japanese fishing method that has gained popularity in recent years. It is a simple and sustainable way to catch small fish like ajis. By following the tips in this article and practicing your technique, you can become a successful Wakacho fisherman and enjoy the satisfaction of catching fish using traditional methods.
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